How A Spot Pal Can Improve Your Sleep: The Role of Tongue Training
The Importance of Oral Health in Speech Development
The Health Risks of Mouth Breathing: What Every Parent Should Know
Understanding Different Types of Speech Disorders: A Comprehensive Guide
The Hidden Causes of TMJ Disorders
Tips for Adjusting to a Mouth Device (Like Spot Pal)
If you’ve recently gotten your Spot Pal, you might be feeling a bit uneasy about how to adjust to wearing it during the day. While it may take some time to get used to, with the right mindset, you can make the transition smoother and more comfortable. Here are some tips to help you adapt to your new Spot Pal!
Speech Development Milestones: What Parents Should Know
5 Fun Activities to Help Your Child Practice Speech Skills at Home
The Importance of Tongue Posture in Children: A Key to Oral Health